Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm just thinking about the future

Lately I've been quiet busy exploring new career changes, thinking about going back to school, I've been quiet interested in Social Work and Psychology. I'm not exactly sure what I would prefer for the future, both careers interest me equally.
I haven't been cooking much lately, but these are the latest goodies.

Couple of days ago mum decided to make Burek and we had it with yogurt. This was a meat burek, but I prefer it with as little meat as possible.


The next day we sill had some leftover Burek, and I made chicken, with bakes potatos and yellow capsicum with sour cream.

leftovers , chicken, meat burek, peppers, + freshly baked potatoes

leftovers , chicken, meat burek, peppers, + freshly baked potatoes

Bakes potatoes with sesame seeds and herbs.

Capsicum with sour cream.


We also had desert, a cake I made with mum, if anyone is interested in any recipes please let me know and I'll post them up.


1 comment:

Rooster Shamblin said... would you please spend a few minutes reading my blog about all things chicken. I have been raising more than 50 breeds of chickens 40 years.